Instructional Leadership Team

Instructional Leadership Team
Dr. Martin
Assistant Principal
Ms. DePriest
Picture of Dr. Martin Picture of Ms. DePriest
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Secretary / Bookkeeper
Ms. Robles
Testing K-2 / Math
Media Specialist
Ms. Parisi
Picture of Ms. Robles Picture of Ms. Vera Picture of Ms. Parisi
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ELA and MTSS Coach
Ms. MacDonald 
TWDL  / Testing 3 - 5 / Math
Ms. Rivera-Burke
Science Coach
Ms. Ortiz
Picture of Ms. MacDonald Picture of Ms. Rivera Burke Picture of Ms. Ortiz
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Staffing Specialist
Ms. Grodzienski
ESOL Compliance / Dean
Mr. Soto
School Counselor
Ms. Huertas
Picture of Ms. Grodzienski Picture of Mr. Soto Picture of Ms. Huertas
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